377936 BIN: American Express Credit Card Issued By Centurion In Bosnia and Herzegovina
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Want to know what credit card starts with a 377936 BIN? So did we, and here’s what we found out. A card starting with a 377936 BIN is an American Express credit card issued by Centurion in Bosnia and Herzegovina. For more information about cards with a 377936 BIN, consult the table below.
Card Network/Brand American Express (AMEX)
Card Type Credit
Bank Issuer Centurion
Currency BAM: Bosnia-Herzegovina Convertible Mark
Country Issuer Bosnia and Herzegovina
Prepaid card? No
Commercial card? No
Country Code: Numeric 070
Country Code: Alpha-2 BA
Country Code: Alpha-3 BIH
Country Latitude 43.9159
Country Longitude 17.6791
What type of credit card starts with 377936?
A card starting with 377936 is an American Express credit card.
What is the card’s bank issuer?
377936 cards are issued by Centurion on behalf of American Express.
What is the card’s currency?
The currency for a 377936 Amex card is the Bosnia-Herzegovina Convertible Mark, abbreviated as BAM.
What is the country code for an American Express issued with a 377936 BIN?
The numeric country code for a card with a 377936 BIN is 070. 070 is the ISO 3166-1 numeric country code for Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Bosnia and Herzegovina’s alpha-2 abbreviation is BA, while its alpha-3 abbreviation is BIH.
Latitude and longitude of the issuing country
Bosnia and Herzegovina, the issuing country, has a latitude of 43.9159 and a longitude of 17.6791.
Is it a prepaid card or a gift card?
No, an Amex with a 377936 BIN is not a prepaid card or a gift card. It is a credit card.
What is a Bank Identification Number (BIN) / Issuer Identification Number (IIN)?
A Bank Identification Number (BIN) is a unique code assigned to every bank and financial institution that issues credit and debit cards. BIN numbers were developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), a federation of national standards bodies. BINs are also known as Issuer Identification Numbers (IINs).
The BIN code is the first six digits of a credit or debit card number and identifies the card issuer. BINs can be used with a BIN checker tool to determine the card type and the bank that issued the card. It is used to verify transactions when the card is used online or over the phone.
Since a BIN is unique to the bank that issued a card, BINs help merchants verify that a customer’s card is legitimate and helps prevent fraud. When a customer’s card is swiped, the BIN and the purchase amount are sent to the acquirer (the bank that processes the transaction). The acquirer then sends a request for authorization to the issuer (the bank that issued the card). If the issuer approves the transaction, it authorizes the purchase and sends a response back to the acquirer.
How to tell credit/debit card type by the first 4 digits (BIN/IIN)
You can tell what type of credit or debit card you have by the first 4 digits by using a BIN checker or by understanding the meaning behind the 4 digits. The first 4 digits of a card are the Issuer Identification Number (IIN), also called a Bank Identification Number (BIN). The first digit of the IIN is the Major Industry Identifier (MII), and the next three digits are the issuer identifier.
Here are the major industry identifiers:
• 1 – Airline
• 2 – Travel and entertainment
• 3 – Banking and financial
• 4 – Shopping and dining
• 5 – Business
• 6 – Merchandising and banking
• 7 – Petroleum
• 8 – Telecommunications
• 9 – National assignment
For example, if your credit card starts with 4, it is always a Visa card. If it begins with 5 or a 2, it is a Mastercard. If it starts with 6, it is a Discover card. American Express cards start with a 34 or a 37. The other cards that begin with a 3 are Diner’s Club, Carte Blanche, and JCB.
How can I check if a credit card is valid?
There are two methods to check if a credit card is valid: Use our Luhn Algorithm calculator or make a transaction with the card.
Card networks use the Luhn Algorithm to verify that customers entered the correct card numbers while reducing transaction fraud. Since every debit and credit card has a unique string of numbers, the algorithm’s mathematical formula guarantees that only valid card numbers are charged.
You can verify that your card number is valid using our Luhn Algorithm calculator below. Enter the credit card number you want to check, and the calculator will tell you if it is a valid card.
How does a credit card transaction work?
A credit card transaction typically involves four parties: the cardholder, the merchant, the issuing bank, and the acquirer. The cardholder initiates the transaction by presenting their card to the merchant for payment. The merchant then submits the transaction to their acquirer, which forwards it to the issuing bank. The issuing bank approves or declines the transaction and notifies the acquirer. Finally, the acquirer notifies the merchant of the approval or decline.
How many digits is an American Express security code?
The American Express security code is four digits long. The security code, called a Card Verification Value (CVV), is located on the front of the card, just above the last digits of the card number.
Does Amex do a hard pull for existing customers?
Amex only does a hard pull for existing customers if the approval for a second card is based solely on internal data. A hard credit pull is a type of credit check that is more thorough and can hurt your credit score. Banks and financial service companies typically do a hard credit pull when considering approving you for a loan or line of credit.
In conclusion, a 377936 BIN is an American Express credit card issued by Centurion in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
We hope this credit card information is a helpful resource that satisfies your curiosity. Please note that we cannot guarantee accuracy as credit card numbers change, numbers are re-assigned, and local banks merge or fail.