485246 BIN Number: Visa Prepaid Debit Card Issued by Wells Fargo Bank
What bank issues cards with a 485246 BIN number? A card starting with a 485246 BIN is a Visa prepaid debit card issued by Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. in the United States. The table below provides additional, accurate details about the 485246 BIN number.
BIN Number 485246
Card Brand Visa
Card Type Debit
Card Level Prepaid
Bank Issuer Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.
Bank Website
Bank Phone Number (907) 543-3875
Country of Issuer United States
Prepaid card? No
Commercial card? No
Country Code: Numeric 840
Country Code: Alpha-2 US
Country Code: Alpha-3 USA
Country Latitude 37.0902
Country Longitude 95.7129
More 485246 BIN card information can be found in the sections below.
What bank BIN is 485246? (Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.)
The issuing bank for BIN 485246 is Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., which is located in the United States.
What type of card starts with 485246? (Visa prepaid debit card issued by Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.)
A card starting with BIN number 485246 is a Visa prepaid debit card issued by Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. in the United States. 485246 cards use the Visa network to process transactions.
What is the card’s currency?
The 485246 Visa card’s currency is the United States Dollar. The ISO 4217 currency code for the United States Dollar is USD.
What is the country issuer for a 485246 BIN number? (United States)
A 485246 card BIN number is issued in the United States. The ISO 3166-1 numeric country code for the United States is 840.
The alpha-2 abbreviation for the United States is US, while the alpha-3 abbreviation is USA.
What are the latitude and longitude details of the issuing country for BIN 485246?
The United States, the issuing country for BIN 485246, has a latitude of 37.0902 and a longitude of 95.7129.
Is a 485246 BIN number a prepaid card or a gift card?
A 485246 BIN number is a prepaid debit card.
What is a Bank Identification Number (IIN / BIN code information)
A Bank Identification Number (BIN) is a unique code that is assigned to every bank and financial institution that issues credit and debit cards. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) developed BIN numbers, which is a different name for Issuer Identification Numbers (IINs).
The BIN code is the first six digits of a credit or debit card number. It is used to identify the card issuer and can be used with an online BIN checker tool, BIN list, or database to lookup the card type and issuing bank. Credit and debit card BIN numbers are unique to the issuing bank. BIN numbers help merchants verify that a customer’s card is legitimate, preventing fraudulent transactions.
What is a BIN lookup?
A bin number lookup is a service that allows you to find the card type, currency, country, issuer name, issuer address, bank contact details, and more using the card’s bin number. A bin can be used by merchants to secure their payments website to avoid fraudulent charges.
What is a Visa prepaid debit card?
A Visa prepaid debit card is a type of prepaid card that operates on the Visa payment network. Prepaid cards can be used to withdraw cash, pay bills or make purchases in-person or online at any merchant that accepts Visa Debit cards. The card is loaded with funds in advance and can only be used up to the amount that has been preloaded onto it. This type of debit card is convenient for people who want to use a payment method without a credit check or bank account. It helps them stay within a budget because they cannot spend more than what’s already loaded on the card.
What is the first digit of a Visa card?
The first digit of a Visa card is always a 4. This number is called the Major Industry Identifier (MII) digit indicates the card’s scheme.
What is the account number on a Visa debit card?
The account number on a Visa prepaid debit card is an eight-digit number located in the 7th through 15th digits of the card number, known as the Primary Account Number (PAN). The bank uses this primary account number to link the debit card to the cardholder’s account.
What is a check digit?
The last digit of a debit or credit card number is the check digit. Payment systems use check digits for card validation, security purposes, and the detection of typos. On Visa cards, the check digit is the 16th digit, while it’s the 15th digit on American Express cards.
Card networks run the check digit and the preceding digits through the Luhn Algorithm. The Luhn Algorithm is a simple checksum formula that validates the card number and reduces fraud.
What is the security code on a Visa card?
The security code on a Visa card is the three-digit number located on the back of the card, near the signature strip. This code, called a Card Verification Value (CVV), is used to verify that the card is genuine. The CVV code helps to protect businesses against card fraud by verifying that the card is in possession of the rightful cardholder.
Card validator tool: Verify a card number
Our card validator tool is designed to easily check whether a credit card or debit card number is valid. Simply enter the card number into the free bin checker. The tool will then tell you whether the card is valid or not. Try it out today!
The card numbers that users input are not kept or stored. Access to the tool is only for educational purposes. API developer access for commercial purposes and web apps is not supported.
Can I track my Wells Fargo card?
According to Wells Fargo, there is no way to track your Wells Fargo credit or debit card delivery.
Do gift cards have BINs?
Yes, gift cards have BINs. BINs (Bank Identification Numbers) are typically found on credit cards, charge cards, prepaid cards, debit cards, and gift cards. They help identify the financial institution that issued the card and are essential for processing transactions.
How long does it take for a Wells Fargo debit card to arrive?
According to Wells Fargo’s website, new or replacement debit cards take 5 to 7 calendar days to arrive.
What is a payment card?
A payment card is a physical or virtual card that enables an individual to make purchases or transactions without using cash. Payment cards come in the form of credit cards, debit cards, prepaid cards, and gift cards. They are widely accepted by merchants and can be used for online purchases, in-store transactions, and at ATMs. Payment cards typically have a card number, expiration date, and security code and may also include additional features such as rewards programs or purchase protection benefits.
Can you use prepaid debit cards online?
Yes, you can use prepaid debit cards online like regular debit or credit cards. However, it’s important to ensure the prepaid card is registered and activated for online usage before making any online purchases. Additionally, some merchants may not accept prepaid cards as a form of payment, so it’s always best to check with the specific merchant beforehand.
In conclusion, a 485246 BIN is a Visa prepaid debit card issued by Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. in the United States.
We hope you found our free BIN database to be a helpful resource for looking up the details of bank identification numbers. Please note that we cannot guarantee the accuracy of our data as debit card numbers change, numbers are re-assigned, and local banks merge or fail. Related bin search numbers are shown in the “You might also like” section below.