Convert 1 Torr to mmHg (Answer + Conversion Calculator)
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Do you need to convert 1 Torr to mmHg? We have the solution! 1 Torr equals 1 mmHg, which is the same as saying 1 torr equals 1 millimeters mercury.
What if you don’t have precisely 1 Torr? We know that 1 torr equals 1 millimeter of mercury, but how do you convert Torr to mmHg? That’s simple! Use our 1 Torr to mmHg pressure conversion calculator to turn your torr into millimeters of mercury, one torr at a time.
1 Torr to mmHg Converter
Use our free 1 Torr to mmHg converter to quickly calculate how much your millimeters of mercury are in terms of torr. Just type in how many torr you have, and we will convert it into millimeters of mercury for you with our Torr to mmHg calculator!
You will see that we already entered a value of 1 Torr, which gives us an answer of 1 mmHg. That’s the answer to ‘1 Torr to mmHg’. 1 torr equals 1 millimeter of mercury.
Now it’s your turn! Just type in how many Torr you have, and our Torr to mmHg calculator will tell you how much it is in terms of mmHg. Torr to millimeters of mercury conversions are made easy, no matter how many torr you have. Whether you have 1 torr or 760 torr, we will convert it into mmHg for you with our torr conversion calculator.
Torr to mmHg Conversion Table
Conversion tables allow you to quickly convert between two units without the need for math, calculators, or conversion factors. We have created a unit conversion table to help you quickly convert between Torr and mmHg. The first column is the value in torr, while the second table is the corresponding value in terms of millimeter mercury. The chart can be used for all your torr conversion needs.
Conversion Table: Torr to mmHg
torr (Torr) | mmHg (millimeters of Mercury) |
1140 Torr | 1140 mmHg |
1000 Torr | 1000 mmHg |
900 Torr | 900 mmHg |
800 Torr | 800 mmHg |
760 Torr | 760 mmHg |
725 Torr | 725 mmHg |
700 Torr | 700 mHg |
600 Torr | 600 mmHg |
500 Torr | 500 mmHg |
400 Torr | 400 mmHg |
300 Torr | 300 mmHg |
235 Torr | 235 mmHg |
200 Torr | 200 mmHg |
100 Torr | 100 mmHg |
50 Torr | 50 mmHg |
10 Torr | 10 mmHg |
9 Torr | 9 mmHg |
8 Torr | 8 mmHg |
7 Torr | 7 mmHg |
6 Torr | 6 mmHg |
5 Torr | 5 mmHg |
4 Torr | 4 mmHg |
3 Torr | 3 mmHg |
2 Torr | 2 mmHg |
1 Torr | 1 mmHg |
Frequently Asked Questions About Torr to mmHg
People often have specific questions about converting from Torr to mmHg. Here are the answers to some of the most common conversions and questions people ask about the Torr and mmHg pressure measurement units.
What is Torr?
Torr is a unit of pressure based on an absolute scale. It is defined as 1/760 of a standard atmosphere and is equivalent to 133.32 Pascals (Pa). The unit is named in honor of the inventor of the barometer, Evangelista Torricelli, who was an Italian physicist and mathematician. He discovered the principle of the barometer in 1644, and the rest is, as we say, a torr.
The abbreviation for the unit torr is Torr, while the unit name is entirely in lowercase (torr).
The torr is not part of the International System of Units (SI Units).
What does mmHg stand for?
An mmHg is a unit of pressure equal to the pressure exerted by a column of mercury that is one millimeter high under standard gravity. It is a manometric unit of pressure and is an abbreviation for millimeters of mercury. You will most frequently encounter the millimeter mercury pressure measurement in blood pressure readings, central venous pressure measurements, cerebrospinal fluid pressure, intramuscular pressure recordings, gas pressure gauges, and a meteorologist’s weather reports.
Over time, 760 mmHg became the preferred definition for standard atmospheric pressure. In fact, millimeters of mercury is preferred when making most gas pressure measurements. The torr, while still used, is not as well known as millimeters of mercury.
How do you convert Torr to mmHg?
To convert millimeters of torr (Torr) to mercury (mmHg), multiply the Torr value by 1.000000142466321. The answer resulting from this multiplication will be in terms of mmHg.
The unit conversion formula for Torr to mmHg is:
Torr * 1.000000142466321 = mmHg
As an exercise, suppose we want to convert 10 Torr to mmHg. Using the conversion formula, we multiply 10 Torr by the conversion factor 1.0142466321. There are 10.00000142466321 mmHg in 10 Torr.
If you need to convert from mmHg to Torr then, vice versa, multiply mmHg by the conversion factor 0.999999857533699 to solve for Torr.
Is torr the same thing as mmHg?
No, a Torr is slightly different from mmHg. 1 Torr is equal to 0.999999857533699 mmHg. In the past, one mmHg was equal to one torr, but this changed in 1954 at the 10e Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures (10th General Conference on Weights and Measures). Today, the difference between the two units is 0.000015%. This change was made because the pressure of mercury depends on both gravity and temperature.
While the Torr and mmHg are not precisely the same, they are often treated as an equivalent unit of pressure.
How many Torr are in mmHg?
There are 1.000000142466321 Torr in one mmHg. While Torr and mmHg are nearly equivalent, there is a difference of 0.000015% when making a unit conversion. While this is a slight difference, you should account for calculations and conversions requiring precision.
What units make up a torr?
Torr units can be used with prefixes to denote smaller values. In descending order, the different units of torr are torr (Torr), centitorr (cTorr), millitorr (mTorr), microtorr (uTorr), nanotorr (nTorr), picotorr (pTorr), femtotorr (fTorr), attotorr (aTorr), zeptotorr (zTorr), and yactotorr (yTorr).
What is the SI unit of torr?
The SI pressure unit is the Pascal, defined as one Newton per square meter (N/m2). There is 0.0075006 torr in one Pascal.
Is blood pressure measured in torr?
No, blood pressure is measured in millimeters of mercury (mm Hg) or kilopascals (kPa). Torr, which is a non-SI unit of pressure, is not used to measure blood pressure.
Is psi the same as Torr?
No, pounds per square inch (psi) is not the same as torr (Torr). There are 51.7149325716 Torr in 1 psi.
Can you have a negative torr?
You cannot have negative torr because you cannot have negative pressure. Pressure is always equal to or greater than zero. Zero pressure is a perfect vacuum, while we say low pressures are equal to a high vacuum.
What is the relationship between torr and atm?
One torr (Torr) equals 1/760 of a standard atmosphere (atm). Put differently, a standard atmosphere (atm) is 760 times larger than one torr.
How do you convert Torr to atm?
To convert from Torr to atm, multiply the Torr value by the torr atm conversion factor of 0.0013157894736842 (1/760). The result will be in terms of atmospheres (atm). This simple conversion factor comes from there being 1/760 atm in one Torr.
To convert from atm to Torr, meaning vice versa, multiply the atm value by the atm torr conversion factor of 760. The atm torr conversion factor comes from the fact that there are 760 Torr in one standard atmosphere (atm).
How many sig figs are in 1 torr?
There is one significant figure (sig fig) in 1 torr.
Why is pressure measured in mmHg?
Historically, pressures were measured in millimeters of mercury (mmHg) because mercury is the densest liquid at room temperature. A dense liquid is helpful for pressure column applications because it minimizes the height needed for a column. A pressure column, also called a manometer, is often used in laboratory, medicine, physiology, meteorology, and aviation settings. As a result, there are limits to how high a pressure column can be. Since the density is correlated with the height of a pressure column, the density of the liquid used in a manometer is an important practical consideration.
To illustrate the key difference between mercury and other liquids in pressure columns, consider this example. To measure one standard atmosphere of pressure (atm), you only need a column that is 760 mm tall (0.76 meters) if you use mercury as the liquid. On the other hand, if you use a less dense liquid, the required height of the column is greater. In the case of water, you would need a column that is 10 meters high to measure one standard atmosphere!
Today, manometric units are considered obsolete, but their use is still commonplace. Other modern units, such as the kilopascal, are preferred because they do not rely on an assumed density or acceleration of gravity.
Why do we use torr?
The torr unit is primarily encountered when measuring high vacuum pressures and in pressure calculation questions. The torr is convenient for measuring vacuum pressures because of its relationship to atmospheric pressure. One torr is defined as one standard atmosphere. Partial pressure questions typically involve a mixture of Oxygen, Nitrogen, and Helium gas along with a change in temperature or volume.
That said, the torr is declining in popularity in favor of the millibar (mbar) for vacuum pressure measurements. The millibar is also known as the hectopascal (hPa).
What are the different units of pressure?
Commonly used pressure units include:
- Megapascals (MPa)
- kilopascals (kPa)
- Pascals (Pa)
- standard atmospheres (atm)
- torr (Torr)
- pounds per square inch (psi)
- pounds per square foot (psf)
- bar
- millibar (mbar)
- millimeters of mercury (mmHg), historically measured using a column of mercury.
- inches of mercury (inHg)
- dyne (dyn)
- kilopond per square centimeter (kp/cm2)
- kilogram-force per square millimeter (kgf/mm2)
- kilonewton per square meter (kN/m2)
- newton per square meter (N/m2)
What is the metric unit of distance?
The metric distance unit is the meter. Every metric distance unit refers to the meter, such as the centimeter or kilometer.
What is the metric unit of mass?
The most commonly encountered metric mass unit is the gram. Other metric units of mass refer to the gram, such as the kilogram or microgram.