How to Get Rid of Drain Flies: Ammonia + 13 Other Quick Ways
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Drain flies are small, flying insects that are commonly found in drains. Drain flies are also known as sink flies and moth flies. They are often hard to get rid of, but there is a way you can kill them naturally without spending money on chemicals. What’s the answer to how to get rid of drain flies? Ammonia!
To kill drain flies the natural way, all you need is ammonia. Besides being all-natural and keeping you from going to the store, ammonia works great at killing drain flies.
Ammonia is the single most effective way to get rid of pesky drain flies. Drain flies are a common problem in many homes. To get rid of them, pour four cups of ammonia down your drain. Ammonia will kill the eggs, larvae, and flies in one drain to not spread into other drains or your home.
Ways to get rid of drain flies
There are many different ways to get rid of drain flies. The most effective at-home method is to use ammonia. Other ways to eliminate these nuisance insects are specialized drain cleaners, soaps, bleach, baking soda, vinegar, borax, salt, and professional pest control companies. We will explain each of these options in detail to help you rid your house of drain flies.
How to get rid of drain flies
A drain fly infestation can be intimidating and demoralizing, but it’s not hard to get rid of them. In this article, explain how to get rid of drain flies. Try using ammonia to get rid of a drain fly infestation first, then move on to other options.
Will ammonia get rid of drain flies?
Yes, ammonia gets rid of drain flies fast. Pour a few cups of ammonia down your drain and wait overnight before rinsing out the drain. It will kill the eggs, larvae, and drain flies. Repeat this nightly until your drain fly problem is solved.
Will bleach kill drain fly larvae?
Bleach does not kill drain fly larvae stuck in the build-up inside your drain, so it is vital to use one of the effective methods of killing drain fly larvae that we listed above. While it might seem that bleach would be effective, the problem is that bleach flows quickly down your drain and does not penetrate the organic matter caked inside your drain lines.
How to kill drain flies: Do it yourself options
Drain flies are annoying creatures that can be found in any house or commercial property. They have a terrible smell and breed rapidly, so finding ways to get rid of them is important for homeowners who want their homes free from insects.
There are various natural methods for getting rid of drain flies which you can use on your own without using chemicals or pesticides, which could be harmful to people and pets around your property. These include removing organic material like rotting fruits/vegetables, covering drains with screens, and using natural repellents.
Try using ammonia to get rid of drain flies before trying the following 13 options. Pour four cups of ammonia down your drain, wait overnight, and then rinse out the drain with hot water. Remember that this recipe is just ammonia, with nothing else put down the drain with the ammonia. Never mix ammonia with bleach as that would create chlorine gas.
Drain fly trap
DIY traps typically involve mixing table sugar and water with vinegar to attract the drain flies. You can make your own simple drowning trap or put it in a bowl with sweetened water, which will also attract the sink flies because of the smell. You can use multiple traps to cover a wider area, making it more effective than single-trap alternatives.
Hot water
Hot water is one very natural way to get rid of drain flies. Just pour boiling water down the drain twice a day (12 hours apart) and watch your problem with sink flies disappear. Remember to follow the schedule and continue for several days after seeing no more drain flies.
To check for continued evidence of drain flies, use the duct tape test where you cover the drain with duct tape. If no drain flies are stuck to the tape after a few hours, you’re on your way to solving your drain fly problem.
Salt and baking soda
Salt, baking soda, and vinegar are ingredients that can be used to kill drain flies. Mix these three items in a bowl, then pour the mixture into the drain twice a day for at least one hour each time. Let it sit overnight after application for best results. Repeat this process until your drain flies are eradicated.
Baking soda and lemon
For a home remedy, mix 1 cup of baking soda and 1 cup of vinegar in a bowl. Pour the mixture into the drain and let it sit for an hour before flushing out with water.
Baking soda and vinegar
This recipe is similar to the baking soda and lemon recipe but substitutes the lemon for vinegar. The mixture fizzes and bubbles. After waiting for two hours, pour a pot of boiling water down the drain.
Vinegar is a great way to get rid of drain flies naturally. It’s a liquid with many uses since Vinegar can kill drain flies, remove stains from laundry, and is also used in cooking. Vinegar is used in many different ways, so it’s crucial to find the right formula for your situation.
White vinegar is effective against an infestation of sink flies, but any grade will do as long as you pour 16 ounces down the drain. You should let the vinegar sit for 20 minutes before rinsing off with cold water. Apple cider vinegar also works.
Vinegar, borax, and salt
When drain flies are present, there is a good chance that the sink will also be infested. Vinegar, salt, and borax can eliminate the fly population in your drain by killing them on contact with their skin. Mix 1/2 cup salt, 1/2 cup pure borax, and 1 cup of vinegar in a cup. Next, pour the mixture into the sink, let it sit for a few hours, and then flush it down with boiling water.
Green Gobbler Drain Fly Killer
DIY repellents, traps, and sprays are popular for getting rid of flies. For example, you can use the all-natural Green Gobbler drain fly killer to get rid of drain flies without harsh chemicals. It’s made from all-natural citronella oil.
Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is a very acidic solution that can kill drain flies. Using apple cider vinegar in conjunction with cling film, one can effectively trap drain flies.
These traps are easy to make; put the apple cider vinegar in a cup, cover it with cling film, put a rubber band around the cling film to keep it in place, and poke holes into the surface of the film. Once the flies enter, they cannot escape because of the punctures made by the fork and poked holes on the film’s surface.
Essential oils
Many different essential oils can be used to repel or kill drain flies. Peppermint oil, Tea tree oil, and thyme work the best against them.
Lavender oil
Lavender oil is a natural home remedy for fly control. It can be purchased at any grocery or apothecary and used as a spray, diluted in water, to rid the drain of dead flies.
Professional drain fly control
Most drain fly infestations can be managed in under a week with the help of professional pest control.
Terminix is a company that offers pest control services with outstanding customer service and flexible pricing. Your Terminix pest control guy will have your drain fly problem fixed in no time. The company also offers different tiers of plans to fit any budget.
Orkin is a professional pest control company that has been in the business for over 100 years. This company provides integrated pest management services to homeowners, offering fly control, rodent prevention, and termite management solutions.
How long does it take to get rid of drain flies?
If you follow one or more of the 14 methods to get rid of drain flies that we have covered, your drain fly problem will be a thing of the past within a week. If you use ammonia to get rid of drain flies, they’ll be gone in two to three days. To avoid a repeat drain fly infestation, follow our drain fly prevention tips in the following section.
Preventing drain flies
Drain flies are a common pest in homes. They look for water and breed in it, so closing any drain you don’t use can prevent infestation by drain flies.
It is essential to keep an eye out for standing water in other areas of the home that may be attracting these sink flies or encourage them to stay around longer than they need to be. However, you can take steps to prevent future infestations from breaking out again and reduce the possibility of these pests surfacing their ugly bodies again- for good.
Clean your drains with drain cleaner
The single most effective way to prevent drain flies from returning is to use a drain cleaner regularly. Drain cleaning helps remove hair and other objects that have gotten trapped in your drains. These trapped organic materials are food for drain flies and it’s what separates a clean drain from a drain fly breeding ground. It’s important to remove their food source, so your drain doesn’t become infested with drain flies.
Use a quality drain cleaner such as Drano. Then, read the drain cleaner’s instructions. Next, pour the drain cleaner down the drain, wait the required amount of time, and then flush the drain according to the drain cleaner’s instructions.
Don’t forget to also use drain cleaner on the bathtub drain; drain flies are attracted to hair in the drain. Repeat this periodically to remove organic food sources and to keep your drains clog-free.
Use a metal pipe brush
If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to clean out your pipes, get a metal pipe brush and work it down into the drain. By moving the pipe brush up, down, and twisting it around you will remove much of the organic material inside the drain. The brush helps remove a drain fly’s food source and increases the effectiveness of drain cleaning liquid which you should use next.
DIY drain cleaner
A DIY drain cleaner is a homemade mixture of ingredients that are poured down the sink to clean clogged drains. Baking soda can be found in most kitchens, while other items like vinegar or lemon juice can be purchased at the grocery store.
How to wash your dishes
Drain flies feed on organic matter that’s been put down the drain. When washing dishes, scrape the food off of the dishes and into the trash can, not the drain! Use a drain trap to ensure that any remaining food doesn’t pass into the drain. Periodically clean the drain trap.
Regularly clean your sink
Regularly cleaning your sink can help to prevent the buildup of organic material, which drain flies feed on. Clean your sink thoroughly and periodically use a drain cleaner as well.
Clean your toilets
Keeping your toilets clean is the best way to prevent drain flies from becoming a problem. You can reduce bacterial contamination by regularly cleaning your bathroom with a sanitizing cleaner. Make sure to clean the toilet bowl with bleach and a toilet brush.
Drain flies are a pesky pest that invades homes and cause problems for homeowners. DIY drain fly traps can be set up around the kitchen, bathroom, shower, or other places to catch these pests.
Baking soda and lemon
Baking soda and lemon can be used to clean drains. 1 cup of baking soda is placed in the drain, followed by 1 cup of lemon juice. Let the mixture sit for 2 hours before washing it down with hot water.
Baking soda and vinegar
Place 1 cup of baking soda in the drain followed by 1 cup of vinegar. Vinegar is acidic, while lemon juice is basic. When poured into the sink, the mixture fizzes and bubbles because vinegar reacts with hydrogen sulfide gas to form sulfur dioxide gas that has antiseptic properties for killing drain flies. Wait two hours and then flush the drain with hot water.
Vinegar, borax, and salt
A vinegar, borax, and salt solution can be used to kill drain flies in drains. Add 1/2 cup of salt and 1/2 cup of pure borax to your drain. Then add 1 cup of vinegar into the drain. Wait several hours and then flush the drain with hot water.
The salt in the mixture acts as a gentle abrasive, while the borax helps break up grease and other forms of fat that may be blocking your drain pipes.
What are drain flies?
Drain flies are a type of fly that can be found in drains and sewers. They feed on the waste materials created by humans and animals such as rats, mice, and birds. Drain flies are also known as sewer flies, sewage flies, and drain pupa. They have a lifespan of between 8 to 24 days and are distinguished by their moth-like wings and round, fuzzy bodies.
Parasite myiasis
Parasite myiasis is a type of infestation in which fly larvae, maggots, or grubs consume the living tissue of the host. It happens mainly when insects lay their eggs on the surface of an open wound or in hair follicles.
Although it is not the most dangerous parasite, drain flies can be very irritating. They enter through a rupture on the skin and feed on warm blood to cause rashes, itchiness, skin abrasions, and trigger conditions like allergies or bacterial transmissions/infections.
Microfilaria and other nematodes
Microfilaria is the microscopic larvae of nematodes, which live in the blood vessels. Nematodes are a type of roundworms that have many types. There is no specific treatment for microfilaria.
The most common treatment is to treat the infestation with broad-spectrum antibiotics, which kill many types of parasites. Other therapies include corticosteroids, antiparasitic medications, and injections with larvicidal drugs.
Are drain flies attracted to light?
Yes, drain flies are strongly attracted to light. They will become especially active at night, hovering over a dark drain that has an external light source, such as a kitchen light, above it.
Do drain flies live in drains?
Yes, drain flies live inside drains. The adult fly lays eggs on rotting matter such as gelatinous slime, which can breed into a population in dirty drains. Drain flies live for 1-3 weeks or sometimes longer, depending on environmental conditions.
Where do drain flies come from?
In the environment, drain flies are a natural part of life. They’re in our homes and our yards, but they can also be found in sewers and other areas that have standing water. Drain flies can be a nuisance, but they’re usually not harmful to humans.
Drain flies come from outdoors
It’s true; drain flies come from outdoors. They are also called drain-fly maggots because they like to live in drains and sewers.
Drain flies are typically found in moist areas. If you want to get rid of the drain flies, look for signs of dampness around your house and eliminate entry points where they can come through.
How can they come from outside?
Drain flies come from outside through small openings and gaps. One more site to check is the tiles which is where they may be coming in from the floor. Eliminate all entry points you’ll find before using any drain cleaner or pesticide.
Can drain flies come from the toilet?
Drain flies can breed in odd locations such as under a loose floor tile, in the tank of a toilet that is not used often, under a sink where a leaky pipe is located, and other odd locations. The odd sites mean that you might have to clean up more than just your toilets if you want to stop these pesky flies from multiplying.
Why do drain flies appear?
Drain flies are a common sight in homes. They lay their eggs in drains or sinks, leading to health problems for humans and animals alike. It’s not uncommon to see them breeding rapidly, taking over your home with their numbers, eating on organic matter that flows down the drain, and then laying more eggs. They are most active during the night when they have a high reproduction rate.
Will drain flies go away?
No, drain flies will not go away unless you take steps to get rid of them. Use ammonia or one of our other 13 methods to get rid of your drain flies and then follow up with preventative measures. If you ignore the drain flies, they will rapidly multiply, and a small problem will turn into a severe infestation.
An adult female drain fly lays 30 to 100 eggs, and a life cycle is 1 to 3 weeks. This short life cycle means that you will have a serious problem if you wait even a few weeks to take care of the drain flies.
Where do drain flies lay eggs?
Drain flies can be found in most areas of the house. Still, they typically thrive in drain lines and containers with moist organic materials like home drains, shower drains, p traps, washer drains, sewage lines, the city sewer, septic tanks, and air conditioning pipes.
When found in sewage systems, they’re often referred to as sludge knats. Drain flies enjoy living on hair clogged in shower drains as well as all the drains in the room where they will live for an average life span of 2 weeks before dying off.
Other breeding sites for drain flies are rubbish bins, bathrooms, toilet tanks, and outside houses.
How to find the drain fly nest
Finding the breeding area for drain flies is relatively easy. They are typically located near a nearby drain, so look in large quantities for where they are. To get rid of them, you should identify where their nest is and make sure there’s a nearby drain that can be cleared out.
What is the duct tape test for?
The duct tape test for drain flies is to seal off the drain with duct tape and see if the flies stop coming up. If it doesn’t, you can replace the tape strips every week and rotate which drains you use for this test.
Check for larvae
Drain flies are small, wingless insects that lay eggs, called larvae, in organic matter such as feces and rotting food. They often cause a mess in your home when they get into drains or pipes.
Removing the drain cover is an excellent way to check for larvae. Once you have removed the cover, scrape off any slime that may be on the sides and look for anything that looks like it has been chewed or gnawed by insects. Slime that has been chewed or gnawed at is a sign of drain flies and their larvae. If you see signs of drain flies, pour four cups of ammonia into the drain to get rid of them. Let the ammonia sit overnight and then flush it in the morning with hot water.
Do drain flies die in winter?
Drain flies are drawn to warm places, which is why they’re most active in the summertime. They will die off during the winter if it’s freezing inside the drain because of cold temperatures. Keep in mind that if it’s warm inside your house and your drain lines aren’t frozen, they can survive! They’re hardy creatures, and typically nothing except freezing conditions slows them down until they re-emerge in the warmer months.
If you have a drain fly problem, don’t wait for the winter to kill them off. To get rid of drain flies pour four cups of ammonia into the affected drain, wait overnight, and then flush the ammonia down with hot water.
Are drain flies harmful?
Drain flies are a type of fly that is found in drains and sewers. Many people consider them to be pests, but they’re only harmful if they lay eggs in an open wound or on your skin. If you have a drain fly infestation, it’s a good idea to get rid of them as soon as possible.
Do drain flies bite?
Drain flies typically won’t bite, but some do. The most common species that feed on blood are tropical, and they usually drink it from other insects or animals. Most drain flies aren’t dangerous to humans as long as you don’t disturb them.
Can you get sick from drain flies?
Drain flies are capable of transferring parasites into the human body, such as bacteria and amoebas. Drain fly may also spread harmful bacteria because they hang around in septic areas all day and night. If you want to get rid of drain flies, make sure to kill them with natural home remedies. The chances of getting sick from a drain fly are slim, but that doesn’t mean you should leave them alone and wait for them to go away on their own.
Do drains fly live on dogs or cats?
While drain flies don’t live on dogs or cats, they can lay eggs on them. An adult female drain fly deposits 30 to 100 eggs, so if your animal has an open wound, this is a cause for concern. Once they mature from larvae to a drain fly, they live for 1 to 3 weeks.
Can drain flies lay eggs in humans?
While it’s rare, drain flies can lay eggs on humans. A fly laying eggs in a human is called phoridism. Phoridism can happen when an insect lays its eggs on a person’s skin, near the hair follicles, or in an open wound. Besides laying eggs inside wounds or crevices, phoridism can also occur when flies lay eggs on the skin of a person who is not in contact with the ground.
Phoridism usually causes no symptoms and generally goes away within a few weeks.
Are drain worms harmful?
Drain worms are not harmful, but they can be bothersome. Most people who find them in their drains want to get rid of them quickly.
Drain flies are the larvae of black drain worms. These bugs, which look like tiny black insects, can be found in drains, sewage systems, septic tanks, and air conditioning pipes. However, you can quickly get rid of drain flies using ammonia or other chemicals with a high pH level (like vinegar).
How do drain flies live
Drain flies are one of the most common types of houseflies. They live within sinks or drains, but they do not infest humans, dogs, or cats. Drain flies typically live in the sink or drain but may live inside any drain. They feed off the organic matter, which is flushed down drains. The most effective way to get rid of drain flies is by using ammonia.
The Cause of Gnats and Fruit Flies
The cause of gnats and fruit flies is the same. The tiny, biting insects are usually not seen because they fly in dark places where people do not go. Gnats also attack fruit, so it is essential to keep fruit out of the ground or indoors. Gnats and fruit flies are attracted to the same kinds of hiding places.
If you have gnats or fruit flies hanging around, there is something in your yard or inside your house that they are attracted to. The best way to prevent this is by getting rid of the source of attraction and having a good pest control service company out for regular inspections.
Fruit fly infestations usually happen when you bring fruits and vegetables into the house from outside sources such as stores or markets. Gnats are attracted to fungus and mold in your yard that’s caused by overwatering or rain.
The Difference Between Gnats and Fruit Flies
The difference between fruit flies and gnats is that the fruit fly has a red eye with a green head, while the fungus gnat has brown eyes and a black head. Fruit Flies are attracted to overripe fruits or decaying meat. Fungus Gnats have a sweeter smell that attracts them to flowers, plants, garbage, compost piles, etc.
Fruit Fly Lay Eggs in Your Food
Fruit fly eggs are laid in food that is not stored correctly. Just like gnats, fruit flies typically do not lay their eggs on the fruit itself but rather near where they infest. The female fly lays hundreds of eggs a day, and the larvae hatch within 48 hours, depending on conditions.
Effective Ways to Get Rid of Gnats
To get rid of gnats, mix a half cup of warm water and two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a bowl. Splash in a tablespoon of sugar and add six drops of liquid dish soap. The sugar will attract the gnats, but once they go for a drink, they’ll get stuck to the dish soap.
How to Get Rid of Fruit Flies for Good
To get rid of fruit flies for good, make sure there is no food source nearby. The easiest way to do this is to throw your fruit away and replace it with a new one that has not been touched. If fruit flies have already infested your home or office, you can use a sticky trap to catch them.