Convert 380 kPa to bar instantly (Conversion calculator)
Do you need to convert 380 kPa to bar? We have the solution! 380 kilopascals (kPa) equals 3.8 bar.
What if you don’t have precisely 380 kPa? We know that 380 kilopascals equals 3.8 bar, but how do you convert kPa to bar? That’s simple! Use our 380 kPa to bar unit converter to turn your kilopascals into bar.
380 kPa to bar converter
Use our free 380 kPa to bar converter to quickly calculate how much your kilopascals are in terms of bar. Just type in how many kilopascals you have, and we will convert it into bar for you!
Looking at the kPa to bar converter, you will see that we entered a value of 380 kPa, which gives us an answer of 3.8 bar. That’s the answer to 380 kPa to bar. 380 kilopascals equals 3.8 bar.
Now it’s your turn! Type in how many kPa you have, and our kPa to bar calculator will tell you how much it is in terms of bar. Kilopascals to bar made easy, no matter how many kPa you have. Whether you have 380 kPa or 175 kPa, we’ll find all the answers for you.
kPa to bar conversion table
Our kPa to bar conversion table lets you quickly convert kilopascals to bar. To convert from kPa to bar, find your kPa value in the first column of the conversion table and the corresponding number of bars in the second column. For example, to convert 380 kPa to bar, find 380 kPa in the first column. The matching value in the second column is 3.8 bar, which is how much 380 kPa is in bar.
kPa (kilopascals) | bar |
380 | 3.5 |
350 | 3.5 |
300 | 3 |
250 | 2.5 |
200 | 2 |
150 | 1.5 |
100 | 1 |
50 | 0.5 |
10 | 0.1 |
How do you convert kPa to bar?
To convert kilopascals (kPa) to bar divide the kPa value by 100, which is the number of kPa in one bar.
So, to convert 380 kPa to bar, divide 380 kilopascals by 100:
380 kPa = 380/100 = 3.8 bar
What is the ratio of kPa to bar?
So, the ratio of kPa to bar is 100:1. This means that 100 kPa is equal to 1 bar.
Is 100 kPa 1 bar?
Yes, 100 kPa is equal to 1 bar.
380 kPa to psi
380 kPa equals 55.1143 psi.
Frequently asked questions about kilopascals (kPa) to bar
People often have specific questions about converting from kPa to bar. Here are the answers to some of the most common conversions and questions people ask about kPa to bar.
What does kPa stand for?
The unit of pressure kPa stands for kilopascal. A kilopascal is the pressure of 1,000 newtons per square meter. This makes sense since pressure equals force per unit area, in this case, newtons per square meter.
In SI base units, a kilopascal is equal to 1,000 kilograms per meter per second squared. It is a multiple of the Pascal pressure unit, which is equivalent to one newton per square meter (N/m2). The Pascal unit is named after Blaise Pascal, a French mathematician, physicist, and philosopher.
Kilopascals (kPa) are the standard unit of pressure in countries that use the International System of Units (SI units). In academia, kilopascals are used in chemistry, engineering, hydraulics, physics, and geophysics. You will encounter kPa in everyday life when taking a tire pressure, checking water pressure, measuring air pressure, and inspecting pressure tanks.
In countries that use the imperial system of measurement or the United States customary system of units, psi is the preferred unit of pressure.
What is bar?
Bar is a metric unit of pressure defined as equal to exactly 100 kilopascals (kPa), 100,000 Pascals (Pa), or 100,000 newtons per meter squared (N/m2). It is roughly equivalent to the atmospheric pressure on Earth at an altitude of 111 meters and a temperature of five degrees Celsius. It is often used in atmospheric pressure measurements, meteorology, oceanography, scuba diving, engineering, the petrochemical industry, and tire pressures.
Is kPa the abbreviation for kilopascals?
Yes, kPa is the abbreviation for kilopascals, which is a unit of pressure. The prefix ‘kilo,’ abbreviated as ‘k’ in ‘kPa’, represents a factor of 103.
How many bars are in a kilobar?
There are 1000 bars in a kilobar.
How do you convert bar to kilobar?
You have two conversion options to convert bar to kilobar. The first option is to divide bar by 1000, which is the number of bar in one kilobar. The second option is to multiply bar by 0.001. Both approaches will give you the correct kilobar value.
How many kilopascals are in 10 meters of water?
There are 98.0638 kilopascals (kPa) in 10 meters of water.
What is considered high and low barometric pressure?
A normal pressure barometric range is between 98 kPa and 105 kPa. The normal pressure range is 0.98 bar to 1.05 bar in terms of bar.
Normal sea-level pressure is 101.32075 kPa, which is equal to 1.0132075 bar.
Is 101.3 kPa a standard pressure?
Standard pressure is equal to 101.3 kPa, which is equivalent to 1 standard atmosphere (atm), 760 mmHg, 760 torr (Torr), or 1.013 bar.
How many bars of pressure can a human survive?
Humans can generally function at pressures up to 2.5 bar, which is 2.5 times the atmospheric pressure. At pressures above this, a person, such as a scuba diver, would need to substitute oxygen for other gases to avoid oxygen toxicity.
What are the different units of pressure?
Commonly used units of pressure include Megapascals (MPa), kilopascals (kPa), Pascals (Pa), standard atmospheres (atm), torr (Torr), pounds per square inch (psi), pounds per square foot (psf), bar, millibar (mbar), millimeters of mercury (mmHg), inches of mercury (inHg), dyne (dyn), kilopond per square centimeter (kp/cm2), kilogram-force per square millimeter (kgf/mm2), kilonewton per square meter (kN/m2), and newton per square meter (N/m2).
In conclusion, 380 kPa is equal to 3.8 bar.