Do you want to know what credit cards start with 4447? So did we, and we have the results for every 4447 credit card type. Our comprehensive guide is the only resource you will need to help you find the issuing bank or financial institution for every 4447 credit card.
Every credit card has 15 or 16 digits, which might seem like a random string of digits, but they are unique numbers. Besides uniquely identifying the cardholder, the digits tell us the type of card, the card issuer, and the individual account. The last digit of the card number, called a check digit, is used by merchants to verify that you correctly entered the first 14 or 15 digits of a credit card number. Rather than being a random string of digits, credit card numbers have a large amount of valuable data contained in them.
What Type of Credit Card Starts With 4447?
Table of Contents
Do you want to know what credit card starts with 4447? The first digit of the card, which is 4 in our case, indicates the credit card network. The first number on a credit card is called the Major Industry Identifier (MII) in the card industry, but it is just the first digit to everyone else. Since a ‘4’ MII digit always corresponds with a Visa card, a 4447 credit card is a Visa card!
If the first digit is a 3 it is an American Express card, Diner’s Club card, Carte Blanche card, or a JCB card. When the first digit is a 2 or a 5, it’s a Mastercard, while a Discover card’s first digit is a 6. We’ve solved the first mystery!
What Do The Rest of The Numbers on the Credit Card Mean?
Now that we know that a 4447 credit card is always a Visa card, we can decipher what the rest of the digits mean. It turns out that the 2nd through 6th digits indicate the card issuer and the type of credit card. Unfortunately, we only have 3 of these five numbers, the ‘447’ in the 4447 four-digit number.
Luckily we can still use the ‘447’ digits that we do have to find out who the credit card issuer is by using 4447. Interestingly, the first 4 or 6 numbers of a credit card are called the “Issuer Identification Number” (IIN), sometimes referred to as the “Bank Identification Number” (BIN number). We can then use those digits of the card number to look up which bank or financial institution issued the card.
List of BINs/IINs for Credit Cards and Debit Cards Starting with 4447
After researching the issue, we found the answer to the 4447 credit card type mystery. It turns out that a 4447 card will always be 1 of 100 possible Visa credit or debit cards. You will find these in our helpful list of credit card and debit card numbers. This resource is a valuable source of credit card information.
Below are the BIN/IIN details, including the banks and issuing institutions, for all 100 of the 4447 credit and debit cards:
IINs/BINs from 444700 to 444710 (Credit Cards and Debit Cards)
- 444700 is a Visa Classic credit card issued by Citibank, N.A. (National Association) in the United States
- 444701 is a Visa Prepaid debit card issued by PNC Bank in the United States
- 444702 is a Visa Classic credit card issued by PNC Bank in the United States
- 444703 is a Visa Classic credit card issued by PNC Bank in the United States
- 444704 is a Visa Business debit card issued by the State Employees Credit Union of Maryland, Inc. in the United States
- 444705 is a Visa Classic credit card issued by Santa Clara County Federal Credit Union in the United States
- 444706 is a Visa Classic debit card issued by KeyBank, N.A. in the United States
- 444707 is a Visa Classic credit card issued by Prime Care Credit Union in the United States
- 444708 is a Visa Classic credit card issued by Michigan State University Federal Credit Union in the United States
- 444709 is a Visa credit card issued by Members 1st Federal Credit Union in the United States
- 444710 is a Visa Business debit card issued by Michigan State University Federal Credit Union in the United States
IINs/BINs from 444711 to 444720 (Credit Cards and Debit Cards)
- 444711 is a Visa Classic credit card issued by Kellogg Community Federal Credit Union in the United States
- 444712 is a Visa Business credit card issued by 121 Financial Credit Union in the United States
- 444713 is a Visa credit card issued by Key Bank USA, N.A. in the United States
- 444714 is a Visa Business debit card issued by Key Bank USA, N.A. in the United States
- 444715 is a Visa Business credit card issued by Sunstate Federal Credit Union in the United States
- 444716 is a Visa credit card issued by Key Bank USA, N.A. in the United States
- 444717 is a Visa credit card issued by Key Bank USA, N.A. in the United States
- 444718 is a Visa credit card issued by Southwest Missouri Bank in the United States
- 444719 is a Visa Classic credit card issued by Yolo Federal Credit Union in the United States
- 444720 is a Visa Classic credit card issued by Telcom Credit Union in the United States
IINs/BINs from 444721 to 444730 (Credit Cards and Debit Cards)
- 444721 is a Visa Prepaid debit card issued by Elevations Credit Union in the United States
- 444722 is a Visa credit card issued by Key Bank USA, N.A. in the United States
- 444723 is a Visa Business credit card issued by Coasthills Credit Union in the United States
- 444724 is a Visa Prepaid debit card issued by PNC Bank, N.A. in the United States
- 444725 is a Visa Business credit card issued by First Command Bank in the United States
- 444726 is a Visa Classic credit card issued by Beehive Credit Union in the United States
- 444727 is a Visa credit card issued by First Command Bank in the United States
- 444728 is a Visa Classic credit card issued by Consumers Cooperative Credit Union in the United States
- 444729 is a Visa credit card issued by Key Bank USA, N.A. in the United States
- 444730 is a Visa Classic debit card issued by Key Bank USA, N.A. in the United States
IINs/BINs from 444731 to 444740 (Credit Cards and Debit Cards)
- 444731 is a Visa Business credit card issued by Yolo Federal Credit Union in the United States
- 444732 is a Visa Classic debit card issued by Glass City Federal Credit Union in the United States
- 444733 is a Visa Classic debit card issued by CME Federal Credit Union in the United States
- 444734 is a Visa Gift debit card issued by Key Bank USA, N.A. in the United States
- 444735 is a Visa Classic credit card issued by Pacific Service Credit Union in the United States
- 444736 is a Visa Business credit card issued by PlainsCapital Bank in the United States
- 444737 is a Visa Classic credit card issued by PlainsCapital Bank in the United States
- 444738 is a Visa Business credit card issued by Point Breeze Credit Union in the United States
- 444739 is a Visa Classic credit card issued by Puget Sound Energy Credit Union in the United States
- 444740 is a Visa Business credit card issued by Bloom Credit Union in the United States
IINs/BINs from 444741 to 444750 (Credit Cards and Debit Cards)
- 444741 is a Visa credit card issued by Key Bank USA, N.A. in the United States
- 444742 is a Visa Classic debit card issued by Key Bank USA, N.A. in the United States
- 444743 is a Visa Classic credit card issued by 1st United Services Credit Union in the United States
- 444744 is a Visa Classic credit card issued by Mid-Cities Credit Union in the United States
- 444745 is a Visa Business debit card issued by First Bank in the United States
- 444746 is a Visa credit card issued by Key Bank USA, N.A. in the United States
- 444747 is a Visa Prepaid debit card issued by M Bank, F.S.B. in the United States
- 444748 is a Visa Classic credit card issued by Aberdeen Proving Ground Federal Credit Union in the United States
- 444749 is a Visa Business credit card issued by Michigan State University Federal Credit Union in the United States
- 444750 is a Visa credit card issued by Key Bank USA, N.A. in the United States
IINs/BINs from 444751 to 444760 (Credit Cards and Debit Cards)
- 444751 is a Visa Business debit card issued by Mutual Security Credit Union, Inc. in the United States
- 444752 is a Visa Classic credit card issued by U.S. New Mexico Federal Credit Union in the United States
- 444753 is a Visa Classic credit card issued by Key Bank USA, N.A. in the United States
- 444754 is a Visa Classic credit card initially issued by Pulaski Bank and Trust Company in the United States. In 2007 Pulaski Bank and Trust Company merged with IberiaBank FSB. The current successor bank is First Horizon Bank.
- 444755 is a Visa Classic credit card issued by Elevations Credit Union in the United States
- 444756 is a Visa Business debit card issued by Elevations Credit Union in the United States
- 444757 is a Visa Business credit card issued by Umpqua Bank in the United States
- 444758 is a Visa Classic debit card issued by BankFinancial in the United States
- 444759 is a Visa Classic debit card issued by BankFinancial in the United States
- 444760 is a Visa Prepaid debit card issued by Beverly Bank and Trust Company, N.A. in the United States
IINs/BINs from 444761 to 444770 (Credit Cards and Debit Cards)
- 444761 is a Visa Prepaid debit card issued by Crystal Lake Bank and Trust Company, N.A. in the United States
- 444762 is a Visa Prepaid debit card issued by the Village Bank and Trust in the United States
- 444763 is a Visa Prepaid debit card issued by Northbrook Bank and Trust Company in the United States
- 444764 is a Visa Prepaid debit card issued by Advantage National Bank in the United States
- 444765 is a Visa Prepaid debit card issued by Wheaton Bank and Trust in the United States
- 444766 is a Visa Prepaid debit card issued by Thrivent Federal Credit Union in the United States
- 444767 is a Visa Prepaid debit card issued by First Security Bank in the United States
- 444768 is a Visa credit card issued by BMO Harris Bank, N.A. in the United States
- 444769 is a Visa Classic debit card issued by MidFirst Bank in the United States
- 444770 is a Visa Classic debit card issued by MidFirst Bank in the United States
IINs/BINs from 444771 to 444780 (Credit Cards and Debit Cards)
- 444771 is a Visa Prepaid debit card issued by Rabobank, N.A. in the United States
- 444772 is a Visa Prepaid debit card issued by Rabobank, N.A. in the United States
- 444773 is a Visa Prepaid debit card issued by Rabobank, N.A. in the United States
- 444774 is a Visa Classic credit card issued by Merrill Merchants Bank in the United States
- 444775 is a Visa Classic debit card issued by Renasant Bank in the United States
- 444776 is a Visa Classic credit card issued by Paper City Savings Association in the United States
- 444777 is a Visa Business debit card issued by United Community Bank in the United States
- 444778 is a Visa Classic credit card issued by Peoples Bank in the United States
- 444779 is a Visa Prepaid debit card issued by Northbrook Bank and Trust Company in the United States
- 444780 is a Visa Classic credit card issued by Citibank, N.A. in the United States
IINs/BINs from 444781 to 444790 (Credit Cards and Debit Cards)
- 444781 is a Visa Platinum credit card issued by Banco de la Republica Oriental del Uruguay in Uruguay
- 444782 is a Visa Corporate credit card issued by Banco de la Republica Oriental del Uruguay in Uruguay
- 444783 is a Visa Corporate credit card issued by Banco de la Republica Oriental del Uruguay in Uruguay
- 444784 is a Visa Signature credit card issued by Citibank, N.A. in the United States
- 444785 is a Visa Classic debit card issued by Financial Plus Credit Union in the United States
- 444786 is a Visa Business debit card initially issued by Keystone Nazareth Bank & Trust Company in the United States. In 2008 Keystone Nazareth Bank & Trust Company merged with National Penn Bank. The current successor bank is Truist Bank.
- 444787 is a Visa Classic debit card issued by Silicon Valley Bank in the United States
- 444788 is a Visa Platinum debit card initially issued by Placer Sierra Bank in the United States. In 2007 Placer Sierra Bank was absorbed by Wells Fargo Bank. The current successor bank is Wells Fargo Bank.
- 444789 is a Visa Classic debit card initially issued by PNA Bank in the United States. In 2015 PNA Bank merged with the Royal Savings Bank. The current successor bank is the Royal Savings Bank.
- 444790 is a Visa Classic debit card issued by Community First Credit Union in the United States
IINs/BINs from 444791 to 444799 (Credit Cards and Debit Cards)
- 444791 is a Visa Business debit card issued by Providence Bank LLC in the United States
- 444792 is a Visa Business debit card initially issued by Exchange Bank of South Carolina, Inc. in the United States. In 2011 the Exchange Bank of South Carolina merged with First Citizens Bank & Trust Company, Inc. The current successor bank is First-Citizens Bank & Trust Company.
- 444793 is a Visa Classic credit card issued by Bar Harbor Banking and Trust Co. in the United States
- 444794 is a Visa Business debit card issued by California Bank and Trust in the United States
- 444795 is a Visa Business credit card issued by Illinois State Police Federal Credit Union in the United States
- 444796 is a Visa Classic credit card issued by Credit One Bank, N.A. in the United States
- 444797 is a Visa Classic debit card issued by Credit Union 1 in the United States
- 444798 is a Visa Classic debit card issued by Shelby Savings Bank, S.S.B. in the United States
- 444799 is a Visa Classic debit card initially issued by the Security Business Bank of San Diego in the United States. In 2012 Security Business Bank of San Diego merged with AmericaWest Bank. The current successor bank is Banner Bank.
How Many 4447 Credit Cards and Debit Cards Are There?
Our results show that there are 100 different types of 4447 credit and debit cards issued worldwide. We hope this is credit card information is a valuable reference source that satisfies your curiosity. Card numbers change, and banks merge or fail, so accuracy is not guaranteed.
What Do The Final Card Digits Mean? (Primary Account Number and Check Digit)
Now that you’ve gotten this far, you might be curious about what the rest of the digits in your card mean. The 7th to the 15th digits are the Primary Account Number (PAN) for most cards. These eight PAN digits are unique to an account holder and are the most important part of the credit card number. The last digit, called a check digit, is used for verification purposes to avoid charging purchases to the wrong card number.
When typing in your card number, it’s always possible to mistype a digit or two. That’s why the check number, which is the 16th digit, exists. Check digits are used for the detection of typos. The credit card network instantly verifies that everything was entered correctly by running the check digit plus the rest of the preceding portions of the account number through a mathematical formula called the ‘Luhn Algorithm’.
Frequently Asked Questions About 4447 Credit Cards
People often have specific questions about 4447 credit cards. Here are the answers to some of the most common questions people ask.
What do Visa numbers start with?
Visa card numbers start with a 4 as the first digit of the card number. Mastercard numbers begin with a 2 or 5, Discover starts with a 6, and American Express, Diner’s Club, Carte Blanche, and JCB cards start with a 3.
What are the first 4 digits of a Visa card?
The first digit of a Visa card is always a 4. The following 3 digits of a Visa card are unique to the bank or financial institution that issued the card. The first four digits of a credit card are part of the “Issuer Identification Number,” also called a “Bank Identification Number.”
Do all Visa cards start with the same 4 numbers?
No, not all Visa cards start with the same four numbers. Visa cards’ first digit is always 4, but the three following digits are unique to the bank that issued the card. Visa issues cards in 1000 different four-digit starting numbers, ranging from 4000 to 4999.
What do the first 6 digits of a credit card mean?
The first six digits of a credit card are called the Issuer Identification Number (IIN), also known as a Bank Identification Number (BIN). Since every 6 digit BIN is unique, you can use a BIN to determine the bank or financial institution that issued the credit card.
Do all Visa cards have 16 digits?
All Visa, Mastercard, and Discover cards have 16 digit card numbers. American Express cards have 15 digit card numbers, while Diner’s Club cards have 14 digits.
What numbers does Mastercard start with?
A Mastercard credit card or debit card will start with either a 2 or a 5. While most Mastercards use a 5 for the first number, the company began issuing cards with 2 as the first number in 2017.
What debit card starts with 5?
Mastercard debit cards start with a 5 as the first digit of the card number. Mastercards can also begin with a 2.
Is my card Visa or MasterCard?
You can tell whether a card is a Visa or Mastercard by looking at the card’s first digit. Visa cards always start with a 4, while Mastercards begin with a ‘2’ or a ‘5’.
Does PNC Bank offer a secured credit card?
Yes, PNC Bank offers a secured credit card that helps you build your credit score. You can only open the PNC Bank Visa Secured Credit Card at a PNC Bank branch.
Does KeyBank offer secured credit cards?
KeyBank offers the KeyBank Secured Credit Card to customers with a minimum deposit of $300. Unlike other secured credit cards, the KeyBank Secured credit card helps you build and improve your credit score with monthly reporting to the credit rating agencies.
Is Credit One Bank Capital One?
No, Credit One Bank is not the same as Capital One as they are two entirely different companies.
Does Credit One Bank offer personal loans?
No, Credit One Bank does not directly offer personal loans. They do, however, have 13 different credit cards for you to choose from with attractive interest rates and rewards.
Can you open a credit card without a social security number?
There are two options to open a credit card without a Social Security Number (SSN). The first option is to apply for an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN), which will allow you to apply for most credit cards. The second option is to apply for the few credit cards that do not require an SSN or ITIN, including the Deserve EDU Mastercard for Students, Oportun Visa Credit Card, and the Tomo Credit Card.
MidFirst Bank secured credit card
The MidFirst Bank secured credit card is secured by a MidFirst savings account and can be used everywhere Visa is accepted. The card helps you build your credit score and has a credit limit of $300 to $5000. A MidFirst Bank secured credit card can be opened at any MidFirst Bank branch.
Visa Opportun credit card
The Visa Oportun credit card is an unsecured credit card that is available to those without a credit score, social security number, or United States ID card. The application process is simple and takes only minutes to complete online. Once approved, users will receive their visa Oportun credit card in the mail within days.
If you’re interested in this card but want more information, check out the company’s website or view this Visa Oportun credit card reddit post.
Our results show that there are 100 different types of 4447 credit and debit cards issued worldwide. We also know that every 4447 credit card or debit card is a Visa. We hope this credit card information is a helpful resource that satisfies your curiosity. Credit card numbers change, card numbers are re-assigned, and local banks merge or fail, so accuracy is not guaranteed.