4538 Credit Cards: List of Issuer Identification Numbers (IIN / BIN) for Visa Credit Card Numbers
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Do you want to know what type of credit card starts with 4538? So did we, and we have the results for every kind of 4538 credit card.
Every credit card number is either 15 or 16 digits long, and while the card numbers may seem like a random string of digits, they are unique numbers. The digits on a credit card identify the cardholder and reveal the type of card, the card issuer, and the primary account number. The last digit on the card, called a check digit, is used to verify that you entered all the other digits correctly. So, credit card numbers are not just random strings of digits – they contain a lot of valuable data.
What credit card starts with 4538? (Identify the card using the first digit)
Credit cards starting with 4538 are always Visa cards. From our list of 4538 card numbers further below, we also know that 23 different banks and financial institutions issue 4538 cards.
How do we know a 4538 card is a Visa? The first digit of every card serves as a Major Industry Identifier (MII) and indicates the card’s network. In our case, the first number on the card is a 4, which means the card is a Visa. If the card numbers start with a 3 it is an American Express card, Diner’s Club card, Carte Blanche card, or a JCB card. When the card numbers begin with a 2 or a 5, it’s Mastercard, while a Discover card’s first digit is a 6. Cards that start with the number 1 belong to the airline industry, while gasoline companies issue cards beginning with 7.
What do the rest of the card numbers mean? (An overview)
Now that we know a credit card beginning with 4538 is a Visa card issued by one of 23 different banks and financial institutions, we can decipher what the rest of the digits mean. It turns out that the 2nd through 6th digits indicate the card issuer and the type of credit card. Unfortunately, we only have 3 of these five digits (‘538’).
Luckily, we can still use the three digits that we do have (‘538’) to determine the 4538 credit card issuer. We can do this by using the first six digits of the card number, which are called Issuer Identification Numbers (IINs), previously known as Bank Identification Numbers (BIN numbers). By looking up the BIN number we can determine which bank or financial institution issued the card.
Bank identification numbers: List of BINs / IINs for every credit card starting with 4538
After researching the issue further, we found the answer to what type of credit card starts with 4538. It turns out that a debit or credit card beginning with 4538 is one of 100 possible types of Visa credit or debit cards issued by 23 different banks and financial institutions.
Below is a detailed BIN/IIN list for the 100 different 4538 credit cards and debit cards. The list includes the card’s BIN/IIN, card network, card type, card issuer, and country of issue.
BINs/IINs from 453800 to 453810 (Types of credit cards and debit cards)
- 453800 is a Visa credit card issued by the Bank of Nova Scotia (Scotiabank) in Canada
- 453801 is a Visa Premier credit card issued by the Bank of Nova Scotia (Scotiabank) in Canada
- 453802 is a Visa Gold Premium credit card issued by the Bank of Nova Scotia (Scotiabank) in Canada
- 453803 is a Visa Gold Premium credit card issued by the Bank of Nova Scotia (Scotiabank) in Canada
- 453804 is a Visa Gold Premium credit card issued by the Bank of Nova Scotia (Scotiabank) in Canada
- 453805 is a Visa Classic debit card issued by First-Citizens Bank and Trust Company in the United States
- 453806 is a Visa Business debit card issued by Village Bank in the United States
- 453807 is a Visa Classic debit card issued by Allandale County Bank in the United States
- 453808 is a Visa Classic debit card issued by Bank of Stanly in the United States
- 453809 is a Visa Business debit card issued by Fidelity Bank in the United States
- 453810 is a Visa Classic credit card issued by the Bank of Nova Scotia (Scotiabank) in Canada
BINs/IINs from 453811 to 453820 (Types of credit cards and debit cards)
- 453811 is a Visa credit card issued by Westpac Banking Corporation in Canada
- 453812 is a Visa credit card issued by the Bank of Nova Scotia (Scotiabank) in Canada
- 453813 is a Visa credit card issued by the Bank of Nova Scotia (Scotiabank) in Canada
- 453814 is a Visa credit card issued by the Bank of Nova Scotia (Scotiabank) in Canada
- 453815 is a Visa Classic credit card issued by the Bank of Nova Scotia (Scotiabank) in Canada
- 453816 is a Visa Classic credit card issued by the Bank of Nova Scotia (Scotiabank) in Canada
- 453817 is a Visa prepaid debit card issued by the Bank of Nova Scotia (Scotiabank) in Canada
- 453818 is a Visa Business credit card issued by the Bank of Nova Scotia (Scotiabank) in Canada
- 453819 is a Visa Classic credit card issued by the Bank of Nova Scotia (Scotiabank) in Canada
- 453820 is a Visa Classic credit card issued by the Bank of Nova Scotia (Scotiabank) in Canada
BINs/IINs from 453821 to 453830 (Types of credit cards and debit cards)
- 453821 is a Visa Classic credit card issued by the Bank of Nova Scotia (Scotiabank) in Canada
- 453822 is a Visa credit card issued by the Bank of Nova Scotia (Scotiabank) in Canada
- 453823 is a Visa Classic credit card issued by the Bank of Nova Scotia (Scotiabank) in Canada
- 453824 is a Visa Classic credit card issued by the Bank of Nova Scotia (Scotiabank) in Canada
- 453825 is a Visa Business credit card issued by the Bank of Nova Scotia (Scotiabank) in Canada
- 453826 is a Visa Infinite credit card issued by the Bank of Nova Scotia (Scotiabank) in Canada
- 453827 is a Visa Classic credit card issued by the Bank of Nova Scotia (Scotiabank) in Canada
- 453828 is a Visa Business credit card issued by the Bank of Nova Scotia (Scotiabank) in Canada
- 453829 is a Visa Classic credit card issued by the Bank of Nova Scotia (Scotiabank) in Canada
- 453830 is a Visa Classic credit card issued by the Bank of Nova Scotia (Scotiabank) in Canada
BINs/IINs from 453831 to 453840 (Types of credit cards and debit cards)
- 453831 is a Visa Classic credit card issued by the Bank of Nova Scotia (Scotiabank) in Canada
- 453832 is a Visa Classic credit card issued by the Bank of Nova Scotia (Scotiabank) in Canada
- 453833 is a Visa Classic credit card issued by the Bank of Nova Scotia (Scotiabank) in Canada
- 453834 is a Visa Classic debit card issued by St. Agatha F.C.U. (Federal Credit Union) in the United States
- 453835 is a Visa credit card issued by the Bank of Nova Scotia (Scotiabank) in Canada
- 453836 is a Visa prepaid debit card issued by Maine Family F.C.U. in the United States
- 453837 is a Visa Classic debit card issued by CNG F.C.U. in the United States
- 453838 is a Visa Classic debit card issued by Northwest Hills C.U. (Credit Union) in the United States
- 453839 is a Visa Classic debit card issued by Artesian City F.C.U. in the United States
- 453840 is a Visa Classic debit card issued by NESC F.C.U. in the United States
BINs/IINs from 453841 to 453850 (Types of credit cards and debit cards)
- 453841 is a Visa Classic debit card issued by Maui F.C.U. in the United States
- 453842 is a Visa Classic debit card issued by Lakeside National Bank in the United States
- 453843 is a Visa Classic debit card issued by United C.U. in the United States
- 453844 is a Visa Classic debit card issued by Mountain Lakes Community F.C.U. in the United States
- 453845 is a Visa Classic debit card issued by Monroe Telco F.C.U. in the United States
- 453846 is a Visa Business debit card issued by 1st Security Bank of Washington in the United States
- 453847 is a Visa Classic debit card issued by Springfield Teachers C.U. in the United States
- 453848 is a Visa Classic debit card issued by Calcom F.C.U. in the United States
- 453849 is a Visa credit card issued by the Bank of Nova Scotia (Scotiabank) in Canada
- 453850 is a Visa Premier credit card issued by Mitsubishi UFJ Nicos Co., Ltd. in Japan
BINs/IINs from 453851 to 453860 (Types of credit cards and debit cards)
- 453851 is a Visa Gold Premium credit card issued by Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. in Japan
- 453852 is a Visa Gold Premium credit card issued by Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. in Japan
- 453853 is a Visa Gold Premium credit card issued by Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. in Japan
- 453854 is a Visa Gold Premium credit card issued by Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. in Japan
- 453855 is a Visa Gold Premium credit card issued by Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. in Japan
- 453856 is a Visa Gold Premium credit card issued by Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. in Japan
- 453857 is a Visa Gold Premium credit card issued by Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. in Japan
- 453858 is a Visa Gold Premium credit card issued by Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. in Japan
- 453859 is a Visa Gold Premium credit card issued by Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. in Japan
- 453860 is a Visa Classic credit card issued by Mitsubishi UFJ Nicos Co., Ltd. in Japan
BINs/IINs from 453861 to 453870 (Types of credit cards and debit cards)
- 453861 is a Visa Premier credit card issued by Mitsubishi UFJ Nicos Co., Ltd. in Japan
- 453862 is a Visa Gold Premium credit card issued by Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. in Japan
- 453863 is a Visa Gold Premium credit card issued by Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. in Japan
- 453864 is a Visa Classic credit card issued by Mitsubishi UFJ Nicos Co., Ltd. in Japan
- 453865 is a Visa Classic credit card issued by Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. in Japan
- 453866 is a Visa Classic credit card issued by Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. in Japan
- 453867 is a Visa Classic credit card issued by Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. in Japan
- 453868 is a Visa Classic credit card issued by Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. in Japan
- 453869 is a Visa Classic credit card issued by Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. in Japan
- 453870 is a Visa Classic credit card issued by Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. in Japan
BINs/IINs from 453871 to 453880 (Types of credit cards and debit cards)
- 453871 is a Visa Classic credit card issued by Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. in Japan
- 453872 is a Visa Classic credit card issued by Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. in Japan
- 453873 is a Visa Classic credit card issued by Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. in Japan
- 453874 is a Visa Classic credit card issued by Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. in Japan
- 453875 is a Visa Classic credit card issued by Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. in Japan
- 453876 is a Visa Classic credit card issued by Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. in Japan
- 453877 is a Visa Classic credit card issued by Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. in Japan
- 453878 is a Visa Classic credit card issued by Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. in Japan
- 453879 is a Visa Classic credit card issued by Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. in Japan
- 453880 is a Visa Premier credit card issued by Mitsubishi UFJ Nicos Co., Ltd. in Japan
BINs/IINs from 453881 to 453890 (Types of credit cards and debit cards)
- 453881 is a Visa Gold Premium credit card issued by Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. in Japan
- 453882 is a Visa Classic credit card issued by Mitsubishi UFJ Nicos Co., Ltd. in Japan
- 453883 is a Visa Classic credit card issued by Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. in Japan
- 453884 is a Visa Business credit card issued by Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. in Japan
- 453885 is a Visa Business credit card issued by Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. in Japan
- 453886 is a Visa Business credit card issued by Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. in Japan
- 453887 is a Visa Classic credit card issued by Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. in Japan
- 453888 is a Visa Classic credit card issued by Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. in Japan
- 453889 is a Visa Classic credit card issued by Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. in Japan
- 453890 is a Visa Classic credit card issued by Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. in Japan
BINs/IINs from 453891 to 453899 (Types of credit cards and debit cards)
- 453891 is a Visa Classic credit card issued by Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. in Japan
- 453892 is a Visa Classic credit card issued by Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. in Japan
- 453893 is a Visa Classic credit card issued by Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. in Japan
- 453894 is a Visa Classic credit card issued by Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. in Japan
- 453895 is a Visa Classic credit card issued by Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. in Japan
- 453896 is a Visa Classic credit card issued by Sumishin Life Card Co., Ltd. in Japan
- 453897 is a Visa Classic credit card issued by Mitsubishi UFJ Nicos Co., Ltd. in Japan
- 453898 is a Visa Premier credit card issued by Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. in Japan
- 453899 is a Visa Classic credit card issued by Mitsubishi UFJ Nicos Co., Ltd. in Japan
We hope this credit card information is a valuable reference source that satisfies your curiosity. Since card numbers constantly change and banks merge or fail, accuracy is not guaranteed.
How many 4538 Visa credit cards and debit cards are there?
As shown in our BIN/IIN list above, there are 100 different 4538 Visa credit and debit cards issued by 23 banks and financial institutions.
What do the final credit card numbers mean? (Primary account number and check digit)
Now that you’ve gotten this far, you might be curious about the other sequence of digits printed on your card. For most cards, the 7th to the 15th digits are the Primary Account Number (PAN), also called the credit card account number. The 8 digit PAN is the most important part of the card number as it is unique to the cardholder. The last digit, called a check digit, is used for verification purposes to avoid charging purchases to the wrong card number.
When typing in the numbers on a credit card, it’s always possible to mistype a digit or two. That’s why the check number, which is the 16th digit, exists. Check digits are used by merchants to validate the authenticity of the card number and for the detection of typos. The card network uses the Luhn Algorithm formula to instantly verify that you entered the numbers correctly while reducing transaction fraud. Since every debit and credit card has a unique string of numbers, the algorithm’s mathematical formula guarantees that only valid card numbers are charged.
Additional card security features include an integrated chip, expiration date, card verification value (CVV), and a linked billing address.
Visa card BIN ranges
There are 99,999 Visa card BIN ranges available for use by banks and financial institutions (BIN ranges from 400000 to 499999). A Visa BIN is a six-digit set of numbers identifying the bank or financial institution that issued a credit or debit card. Visa BIN ranges are used to route transactions between banks and processors. BIN ranges can be used to prevent fraud by verifying that the rightful owner is using a card.
How do cash back credit cards work?
A cash back credit card is a type of credit card that allows you to earn rewards in the form of cash back on your purchases. Typically, you will earn a certain percentage of cash back on all of your purchases, with some cards also having bonus cash back on specific categories of purchases. You can typically redeem your cash back rewards for statement credits, gift cards, or merchandise.
Why do credit cards have annual fees?
Credit cards have annual fees for several reasons. One reason is that the card issuer may want to recoup the costs of providing the card, such as customer service, marketing, and processing fees. Another reason is that the card issued may use the annual fee to offset the cost of rewards programs (cash back, miles, points, free airline baggage, travel insurance, and so on). Lastly, annual fees are used by credit card companies to offset the loss of revenue from cardholders who always pay in full and consequently never pay interest charges.
Is Scotiabank the same as the Bank of Nova Scotia?
Yes, Scotiabank is the same as the Bank of Nova Scotia. The Bank of Nova Scotia operates under the Scotiabank brand.
Does the Scotiabank Momentum Visa have travel insurance?
The Scotiabank Momentum Infinite Visa card has travel insurance that includes the following features:
- Emergency travel medical insurance (under 65 only) for a trip of up to 15 days ($1,000,000 in coverage per insurance person)
- Trip cancellation insurance of $1,500 per insured person and $10,000 per trip
- Trip interruption insurance of $2,000 per person and $10,000 per trip
- Trip delay insurance of up to $500 per person per trip
- Up to $500 per person in lost and delayed luggage coverage
- Rental car collision and loss damage for trips up to 48 days on vehicles up to $48,000 in value
- Common carrier travel accident insurance ($500,000 per person/$1,000,000 per occurrence)
Is Blaze Mastercard a good credit card?
The Blaze Mastercard is a good credit card for those with less than great credit scores. The card helps you improve your credit card score, doesn’t require a security deposit, and has a low annual fee of $75.
Is a secured credit card better than a regular credit card?
Assuming you’re eligible for one, a regular credit card is better than a secured credit card. Why? The reason is that a regular credit card doesn’t require a security deposit like a secured card does.
That said, a secured credit card is a good option if you don’t have a credit history or have a bad credit score as it’s easier to be approved for the card.
Frequently asked questions about 4538 credit cards
People often have specific questions about credit cards that start with 4538. Here are the answers to some of the most common questions people ask.
What is a 4 digit reference number?
If you have more than one cardholder on your card account, some banks use the last 4 digits of each card number to identify which person made a purchase. Adding the 4 digit reference number to your card statement helps you identify who bought what and reduces cardholder disputes.
What number does a Mastercard start with?
What is a World Mastercard?
A World Mastercard is a credit card that offers rewards and perks for cardholders who use it for their everyday spending. Some of the benefits of having a World Mastercard include access to exclusive events and experiences, concierge service, and travel perks.
What credit card is Barclays Bank Delaware?
The Barclays Bank Delaware credit card is a MasterCard that offers a variety of benefits and features to its cardholders. Some of these benefits and features include a competitive interest rate, a rewards program, and no annual fee.
Our results show that 23 banks and financial institutions issue 100 types of 4538 credit and debit cards. We also know that every 4538 credit or debit card is a Visa card.
We hope this credit card information is a helpful resource that satisfies your curiosity. We cannot guarantee accuracy as credit card numbers change, card numbers are re-assigned, and local banks merge or fail.